Margaret “Margie” Keniley

Sponsor: Window World

Guitar Location: Old National Bank

Guitar Name: “GOATILL”

Design Concept: This painting/sculpture inspiration came from some of the musicians/bands that are listed as inductees into the “Joliet Rock and Roll Museum.

Email: [email protected]

Artist Bio: I grew up in Plainfield, IL. I have created art pieces all my life using a variety of mediums. I attended Joliet Junior College and University of Houston Clearlake. My current passion is acrylic/oil paintings which I would describe as intuitive not premeditated abstract/expressive art.

I paint assorted styles, from realistic to abstract. Recent years I practiced with painting colors on wood panels. I love the movement already etched in each piece of wood and it’s my starting point of the flow and blending of colors. I found inspiration from artist “Georgia O’Keefe” works of art, her colors and blending are what inspires my current pieces.