Kelly Bartels

Sponsor: NuMark Credit Union
Guitar Location: Duly Health & Care Field
Guitar Name: “Dream Weaver”
Design Concept: The inspiration for this guitar is based around dreaming and achieving your dreams. I have included many aspects that represent different things. The sunrise symbolizes the opportunities that each new day brings. The tree represents the changing cycles we go through in life as we grow and age. The person is the viewer so that each person that looks at this art piece can visualize themselves in that spot overlooking what is possible to achieve. The hot air balloon represents aspirations and how there’s no limit on what can be achieved no matter how lofty it might seem. I have included a mix of real and surreal elements to make it feel like the viewer is looking at a dream itself. The bright colors not only draw the viewer’s attention but also make them feel happy looking at the overall piece. I hope viewers are inspired by my work to chase their dreams, whatever they may be.
Email: [email protected]
Artist Bio: I am a painter from Elwood, lived in Joliet for 2 years, then moved to Wilmington, but I still teach elementary art in Joliet. I would describe my work as colorful, detailed, and a mix of abstract and organic elements. I have painted murals for the City Center Partnership for two (2) years in a row for their Summer of Iron & Steel, and I have also painted at the Mardi Gras festival in Downtown Joliet. I am very passionate about art, and I strive to put my best work out there every time.