Jeff Benedick Family

Sponsor: Friends of Joliet Arts and Downtown Joliet

Guitar Location: Will County Courthouse Plaza

Guitar Name: “Bridges of Joliet”

Design Concept: Inspired by the many local landmarks, the bridges in Joliet have always been a longstanding historical part of Downtown Joliet.  We had always crossed these bridges to go downtown and enjoy the many festivals there. We wanted to use these bridges to highlight connecting the history of Joliet to its citizens.

Email: [email protected]

Artist Bio: We are the Benedick family. Jeff, father of twins Sophia and Jonah, is a Local 444 Ironworker born and raised in Joliet. Together, we draw inspiration from the history of our hometown to create art that helps fund this city’s continued success.

Sophia Benedick, and I am the 17-year-old daughter of Jeff Benedick. I spent my entire childhood in Joliet and was always intrigued by the architecture and history of my hometown. I began school at St. Mary Nativity and currently attend Minooka Community High School. Since I was young, I have shared my father’s passion of creating art and continue to utilize my creativity in everything I do. Outside of school, I am part of the Joliet Burnt District Artists that showcase the history of the Old Joliet Prison through art. I am excited to continue to create art for the city of Joliet.

Jonah Benedick. I am 17 years old and enjoy creating art. I graduated from St. Mary Nativity and am currently a junior at Minooka Community High School. When I grew up in Joliet, I was always fascinated by the old buildings that were still standing from decades ago. Ever since I can remember I have been drawing, and I continue to draw almost every day of my life. Now, I get to utilize my experience walking around Joliet to inspire my art.